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czwartek, 13 sierpnia 2009
Keith Floyd walczy z rakiem
Dziś dodatrła do mnie smutna wiadomość. Jak się okazuje, u Keitha Floyda, jednego z najbardziej znanych tzw. celebrity chefs, zdiagnozowano nowotwór jelita.
Wiadomość podała gazeta "Daily Express", w której można przeczytać wypowiedź Floyda:
"I went to Spain six weeks ago to see my old doctor about a little growth; he said: 'Not very good news I'm afraid, you've got bowel cancer' - it's not what you want to hear."
He added: "Since then I've had endless operations. Five knife ops in total and they were 90 per cent successful at cutting it out. Now I have five weeks of chemotherapy coming up. I'll have to make daily visits to Nimes Hospital. I'm not thrilled about it, no, but what can I do? I'll get through it."
Keith - famous for enjoying copious amounts of wine while cooking outdoors on his shows - has been advised to give up smoking.
He said: "I am still smoking, but yes, I'm going to cut down."
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